Google Jamboard is pretty neat
This week I created a screencast on Screencastify of a short Google Jamboard tutorial (my YouTube video below). In the tutorial I explain how to use Jamboard in an educational environment for assessment purposes but it is also great tool to enhance collaboration, learning and engagement – in any professional environment.
Mayer’s Principles
While I was creating my screencast, I tried to remain mindful to minimize extraneous overload for my viewers. I achieved this by describing the importance of Mayer’s Principles of redundancy and signaling. The principle of redundancy requires that we are smart about the media we add to minimize distractions for our learners. During my tutorial, I touch on this as I add an image that enhances my assessment, rather than distracts from it.
Near the end of the tutorial, I teach my viewers how to utilize the laser point tool on Jamboard as a way to signal, or utilize the signaling principle, to guide their ‘students’ where to look. This can be a really useful feature when you want to use visual cues to help your viewers/learners process content.
Things to keep in mind
Another principle of media design that I did not touch on in my screencast is the principle of coherence, or eliminating unnecessary content to avoid cognitive overload. This principle, although intuitive, can be difficult to enforce – particularly when you are having so much fun playing around with new technology. I will keep the coherence principle in mind as I am creating media for this course, and in my future career as an educator.
All in all, I had fun creating my screencast this week. For my future screencast projects, I will remain mindful of the principles of redundancy, signaling, and coherence to maximize the efficacy of the learning I am trying to impart.
Edit note: There are 4 main stages to the water cycle – I was just so distracted by discussing how awesome Jamboard is!
Hi Sarah!
Great blog post. I really appreciate the way you explained how to use google jamboard, I have never heard of it before and I could see how it could be very useful in a variety of settings! I learned a lot from your post especially from you showing all the examples of the cool features that jamboard has such as the writing tool and the laser point tool. I see in your post that you aimed to utilize the principles of redundancy and signalling and I think this was done very well in your screen cast.